DT UK 3208 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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إن الأعداد الإلكترونية هي نسخات رقمية عن أعداد مجلة DTI المطبوعة. يستطيع القراء أن يتصفحوا الأعداد الإلكترونية وأن يحمّلوا الصفحات ويطبعوها لقراءتها من دون الحاجة إلى الاتصال بالانترنت. ومن أجل نشر المعرفة إلى عدد أكبر من القراء حول العالم، يمكن قراءة معظم الأعداد الإلكترونية مجانًا.

DT UK 3208

احدث اصدار

DT UK 3208

Fluoridation rage gains momentum / Scottish dental access crisis / Dental Tribune moves ‘leaps and bounds’ / Credit crunch hits ADP / ‘The more the merrier’ say Sunderland dentists / Empty rooms ‘a crying shame’ / Editorial comment: Roll out the evidence / BMA calls for ‘Dr’ ban / Guilty dentist launches appeal / Free Oral cancer checks / Prosthetic dentistry prize / Advanced training for UK dentist / NHS dentist for Swindon practice / Orthodontic nurse wins Nurse Prize / GDPUK round-up / No show charges to hit the Welsh / Dental students treat patients / The Sceptic presents The case for… and against Solo practice – making it on your own / Doom or boom? / Complying with the code / BDTA Dental Showcase / Working in harmony as a complete dental team / Political progress / Help your team earn 20 hours of CPD with the BDTA Certificate – Introduction to Dentistry Course / John Davis receives The British Dental Trade Association Award for outstanding contribution to the dental industry / The BDTA website can help you / Motivating the motivator / ‘Shosholoza’ as we say in Africa… Go forward! / The effects of enlarged adenoids on a developing malocclusion / A matter of fairness / Chairs/Delivery systems / Industry News / Events: Dental Tribune special offer / Classified /

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