roots international No. 2, 2023 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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إن الأعداد الإلكترونية هي نسخات رقمية عن أعداد مجلة DTI المطبوعة. يستطيع القراء أن يتصفحوا الأعداد الإلكترونية وأن يحمّلوا الصفحات ويطبعوها لقراءتها من دون الحاجة إلى الاتصال بالانترنت. ومن أجل نشر المعرفة إلى عدد أكبر من القراء حول العالم، يمكن قراءة معظم الأعداد الإلكترونية مجانًا.

roots international No. 2, 2023

احدث اصدار

roots international No. 2, 2023

Cover / Editorial / Content / Combined treatment potentiates anti-biofilm and anti-cariogenic efficacy / Good oral health associated with improved survival among head and neck cancer patients / Prominent endodontist shares expertise on treating patients undergoing radiotherapy - An interview with Dr Josiane Almeida / How to handle complex endodontic cases - An interview with Dr Ruth Pérez-Alfayate / Comparative evaluation of apical debris extrusion associated with using reciprocating and rotary systems with variable tapers including single- and multiple-file sequences, and the influence of the glide path / On the pulse of endodontics—the key role of new technologies in root canal therapy / The piston technique—a novel approach to canal obturation / Broken file management with Er:YAG laser and SWEEPS technology—a case series / Chairside fabrication of a nano-ceramic hybrid composite endocrown for a severely damaged molar after endodontic treatment / Manufacturer news / Research examines burn-out during COVID-19, offers strategies for resilience / ROOTS SUMMIT 2024: Athens gears up to host premier endodontic meeting / Meetings / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
