Ceramic Veneers: From the Diagnosis and Preparation to the Temporisation and Cementation - Events - Dental Tribune MEA

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Ceramic Veneers: From the Diagnosis and Preparation to the Temporisation and Cementation


Event 09 - 10 November 2019


Course objectives
At the end of the program, the participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the importance of proper planning and diagnostics
  2. Understand how to apply facial parameters
  3. Understand how to take adequate pictures and videos for face analysis
  4. Understand how to prepare and cement veneers
  5. Learn about ceramic science
  6. Learn about colour matching and tooth form selection

Course description
The theoretical part will cover all aspects of the face analysis. Starting from pictures and adequate videos. The facial parameters and mostly used lines will be shown and discussed. A new concept, the Facial Flow Concept will be presented together with the  advantages of the dynamic face analysis. New studies about tooth form and the correlation with them with gender and age will also be discussed.

The hands-on part will teach how to insert the pictures in traditional softwares, how to analyse a video and create pictures from it. Later on, several clinical cases will be analysed based on the new concepts presented before. The treatment plans are going to be created by the participants and contrasted with the ones that were originally done. The new concepts presented in the morning are going to be discussed and applied.

The second day, all the necessary knowledge to prepare and cement indirect veneers will be covered. All important aspects like the ceramic science, type of preparations and it´s rules will be discussed, presented and practiced.

Agenda Day 1

09:00 - 10:30 Lecture

  • Facial parameters
  • Facial lines and how to use them
  • The facial flow concept
  • How to take proper pictures for smile analysis
  • Why videos are better and how to take them
  • Dynamic smile analysis
  • Tooth form
  • Correlation between tooth for and gender
10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:30 Interactive session
Clinical cases discussion and application of the concept
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:30 Hands-on

  • Tips ad tricks for Keynote
  • New apps
  • Analysis with computers of how we should analyse the face
  • Practical exercises for pictures and videos
  • Face and dynamic smile analysis
  • Tips and tricks with the iphone
15:30 - 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45 - 17:30 Hands-On

  • Application of the concept and practical exercises of several clinical cases
  • Drawings
  • Preparation of teeth in order to correct imperfections and asymmetries
  • Integrating the face
  • Direct mock ups as a motivational tool and as functional-aesthetic correction tool
17:30 - 18:00 Discussion

Agenda Day 2

09:00 - 10:30 Lecture

  • Treatment planning for aesthetic cases
  • Communication between laboratory and the clinic
  • Biological background
  • Preparation rules for thin veneers, veneers, crowns and partial crowns.
  • Non-prep veneers, advantages, disadvantages, answers and proper planning for a successful treatment
  • Ceramic materials, new improvements, classification, guidelines for their choice
  • Adhesive cementation, classification of cements, tips and tricks
10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:30 Interactive session

  • Clinical cases discussion, comparison of different materials will be done (PFM, Zirconium oxide, glass ceramics)
  • Cementation techniques (overview). Several fully documented, step by step clinical cases will be presented and discussed
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:30 Hands-On

  • Preparation of a classic veneer, a thin veneer and a crown.
  • Different type of incisal finishing lines. How deep should we prepare? Layering vs monolithic or cut-back?
15:30 - 15:45 Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30 Hands-On

  • Cementation of a veneer and a crown.
  • Value shade concept
  • Total etch vs self etch cements
17:30 - 18:00 Discussion

About the course

Years ago, patients came to us because they were sick or because they were in pain. They were easily accepting our treatment plan and following our advice. But something changed over night and some of us were caught unprepared by this change. Patients are now not only better informed but also skeptical because they compare different sources of information, and we are just one of them. In one of the fields where the shift is more accentuated is in aesthetic dentistry, specifically regarding veneers. These effects are happening because of mainly two reasons, first, the very aggressive and dishonest marketing of some dental companies and clinics, and second, because patients can find lots of misleading information free on the internet. The truth is, that there are few cases where minimal prep veneers will be easier than more traditional options. There are many advantages when we do not remove tooth structure, but also many drawbacks that need to be addressed. In fact, a minimal chamfer need to be even more precise and clean that a traditional one,since double margins will be more critical.

One of the other relevant aspects that were neglected for years was the facial integration in the treatments. For years, orthodontists were aligning teeth and restorative dentist were making them look nicer, but the face was kind of forgotten. New publications and concepts appeared that have dramatically change the way we analyse the face. How we analyse the smile and how we choose the right tooth form are also relevant aspects were new insights have arisen.

These and other factors will be discussed during the course based on fully documented clinical cases.

For more information about the course visit: https://cappmea.com/course/ceramic-veneers
